Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Recruitment 2014 – Apply for Project Scientific Officer & Scientific Officer Post :– Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) has published an employment notification for the recruitment of Project Scientific Officer & Scientific Officer posts. Eligible and interested candidates may attend the interview or submission of application last date on 10th May 2014. Further details like age limit, eligibility, educational qualifications, how to apply, selection procedure and application form are given below…
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Vacancy Details:
Job Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Total No. of Post :- 02 Post
Name of the Post :-
- Project Scientific Officer
- Scientific Officer
Educational Qualification :
- Qualification for the Project Scientific Officer (D) Post :– Candidate should have passed Ph.D. in any field of science from the recognized University or Institute.
- Qualification for the Scientific Officer (C) Post :– Candidate should have passed BE / B.Tech in Electronics/Electrical/Electronics & Communication / Telecommunication Engineering with 60% marks from the recognized University or Institute.
- Experience for the Project Scientific Officer (D) Post :– (i) Minimum 2 years experience beyond Ph.D., with demonstrated scientific communication skills for a scientific as well as lay audience. (ii) Applicant should have outstanding verbal and written communication skills (scientific and non scientific). (iii) Applicants need to submit examples of their writing in the broad area of science.
- Experience for the Scientific Officer (C) Post :– 1-2 years experience in electronics, signal processing preferably in a research laboratory.
Pay Scale :
- Pay Scale for the Project Scientific Officer (D) Post :– Rs.53000/-P.M. + HRA of Rs.6800/-
- Pay Scale for the Scientific Officer (C) Post :– Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400/-
Selection Process :
Candidates would be selected based on their performance in interview.
How To Apply:
All eligible and Interested candidates fulfilling these requirements and candidates fulfilling the eligibility conditions , Applications should reach Head, Establishment through post or e-mail (recruitment@tifr.res.in) within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement giving full details together with photo/scanned copies of relevant certificates/testimonials and in the prescribed format. If sent by post, the envelope should be superscribed with the post applied for and the serial number of the post and if sent by e-mail, the subject should contain the above information..
Important dates :-
Last Date: May 10, 2014
For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply and other information click on the link given below…