NISER Recruitment 2013 – Faculty Vacancies: National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) has been setup at Bhubaneswar by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India invites applications for the recruitment of Assistant Professor and Reader F Posts. Eligible candidates may send their applications along with necessary documents on or before 15-05-2013. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process and application fee and how to apply are given below…
NISER Recruitment Details:
Name of Posts:
1. Assistant Professor
2. Reader F
Age Limit: Age of superannuation of faculty members of NISER is 65 years.
Educational Qualification: Candidate should possess Ph.D Degree in relevant discipline from a reputed and recognized university or Institute with desired experience as per the post .For post wise details refer to the notification.
Selection Process: Candidate will be selected based on the performance in interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their CV along with all relevant documents by email to marking “Faculty application” in the subject field on or before 15-05-2013.
Last Date for Receipt of Application Form: 15-05-2013.
For more details regarding age limit, educational qualifications, selection process experiences, how to apply and other are given below…