NABI Recruitment 2013-For Lab/Field Project Assistant Post:National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali, is an autonomous R&D Institute under Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. NABI has received BIRAC sponsored joint research project with Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia and applications are invited for the following position under externally funded project “Transfer and Evaluation of Indian Banana with ProVitamin A (PVA) Constructs”.
NABl is co-located alongwith Bioprocessing Unit (BPU) , an independent institute, being set up under the DBT and an Agri-Food Biotech Park(ABP) being set up under public-private partnership. The NABI, BPU and ABP would therefore comprise an Agri-Food Biotech cluster that would act as a “biotechnology hub” in the region. The agri food cluster has been developed to link three essential related biotechnologies of crops, food and nutrition, and carry out bench to market activity through its state and regional resource networks.
A translation unit would be set up in NABI to establish linkages in the region among relevant R&D units, Management Institute and Small & Medium industries. The unit will support, strengthen, and promote innovation through several initiatives. It will support R&D research resource units in the State and region. It will administer innovation grants in agri and food sector to create innovation ecosystem in punjab and neighboring states. It will scout early stage leads and technologies in existing institutes at Punjab and rest of the country and offer partnership for product development & commercialization. It will integrate S&T development through bottom up science & horizontal technology acquisition & development. It will establish “resource center” within existing institutes of Punjab State to enable the generation of a competitive intramural process and expand the talent pool for innovation and product development. It will facilitate traversing the complete path from discovery to market.
Eligible candidates may send their applications or apply online on or before 05-09-2013.
More details like age limit, qualification, selection process are given below…
National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) Recruitment Details:
Name of the Posts:Lab/Field Project Assistant
Eligibility: BE/B.Tech, BSc, MSc
Pay Scale:Rs. 10,000/-
Job Location: Mohali
Hiring Process :Written-test
Last Date :05 Sep 2013
Job Detail:
Educational Qualification:B.Sc. / B. Tech/ M.Sc. in Life Science/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Botany/ Agriculture/ Agronomy or any other related biological areas.
Desirable qualification:
- Prior knowledge/experience in plant tissue culture, genetic transformation and maintenance of transgenic plant materials under in-vitro and containment conditions.
- Prior knowledge/experience for performing various farm related operations and field experiments.
- Basic knowledge of computer such as MS Office, Excel, Powerpoint, Internet etc.
Job Responsibility:
- To assist scientists and research scholars in experiments
- Maintenance of records of experiments, instruments and consumables
- Any other scientific responsibilities assign by incharge scientist
Age Limit(in yrs): Interested candidates who are appearing for this post should have the age of 28 years* as on the last date of receipt of application.
Pay Scale/Salary(in Rs.):Selected candidates would be eligible to get the pay scale of around Rs.10,000/- per month as per NABI
Total No. of Post: 01-Post
How To Apply:The interested candidates may appear for a Walk-In-Interview on 05.09.2013 by the prescribed application form available on the website The duly filled application form must be submitted at the time of registration from 0900 hrs to 1100 hrs on 05.09.2013. The candidates must ascertain their eligibility before applying, as ineligible candidates would not be interviewed.
The project is a part of the Multi-Institutional Core Project entitled “Development and Transfer of Technology from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia to India for Bio-fortification and Disease Resistance in Banana”. Project duration is of four years (from November 2012). However, initial appointment against all the above positions shall be for one year and further extension will be granted based on the research progress and accomplishment, but inno case shall exceed the duration of the project.
NABI may or may not select candidate against above mentioned research position, depending upon the suitability of the candidate to carry out high quality research. One month notice will be given by either party for the termination of engagement. The engagement is for the specific project as mentioned above and shall give no right whatsoever for automatic consideration against any other position/opportunity at NABI.
For more information on the above position please contact Dr. Siddharth Tiwari, Scientist-C, NABI;
Email:; Ph: 0172-4990124/4990145 and/or visit our website
Important Date :
Last Date:05-09-2013
For more details regarding age limit, qualification, selection process, pay scale, how to apply are available in the following link…