MNNIT Recruitment 2013:For Research Associate Post : Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) invites applications for citizens of India for filling up the Research Associate such other candidates declared eligibility by the MNNIT, Government of India to fill up the following various posts.
Application are invited from Indian nationals for the post of Research Associate (on contract) in research project entitled ‘HR Competency Mapping Amongst Women Self Help Groups in Uttar Pradesh’. Sanction order no F.No.02/240/2012/RP dated 04.07.2013 sponsored by sponsored from Indian Council for Social Science Research, New Delhi.
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) Recruitment Details:
Organization Name:Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT)
Job Position : Research Associate
Pay Scale: Rs.16000/-p.m.
Eligibility: MA
Job Location : Allahabad
Last Date : 15-10-2013
Hiring Process : Interview
Job Detail:
Name of the Post:Research Associate
Number of Vacancy:01-post
Educational Qualification:Post Graduate in Management/Economics/Commerce/Statistics with 60% marks,
Desirable: UGC-NET in the related subject.
Pay Scale: Selected candidates will draw a starting basic pay of Rs.16000/-p.m.
Age:Candidates maximum age limit for this post 35Years.
Age Relaxation: Upto a maximum of 5 years in respect of SC/ST candidates; Upto a maximum of 3 years in respect of OBC candidates; Upto a maximum of 10 years if the candidate is a physically handicapped person.
Other Benefits : Accommodation may be available as per the availability and the Institute norms in lieu of HRA. Eligible candidates may be entitled to register for Ph.D. program of the Institute. Facility of yearly leave, carryover
leave, medical benefits etc. may be available as per applicable rules of the project staff.
Tenure of Appointment : Appointment will be made on contract basis for a period of one year initially, which may be extended depending on the performance evaluation on yearly basis till the end of project.
Selection Process : Selection will be made on the basis interview.
How to Apply: The duly completed application on prescribed format along with copies of supporting documents must reach to: Office of the Dean (Research & Consultancy), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad-211004 on or before October 15th, 2013.The envelope should be super scribed as “Application for the post of Research Associate (on contract) in the Project ‘HR Competency Mapping Amongst Women Self Help Groups in Uttar Pradesh’. A soft copy of the application should also be sent to,, email address of Dr. Tripti Singh. The position is purely temporary and will be governed by the Funding agency rules & service conditions of office of the Dean (Research & Consultancy), MNNIT Allahabad.
Note: 1. The applicant will be responsible for the authenticity of information, other documents and photographs submitted.
2. The Institute reserves the right to accept application at any time, and consider candidates of exceptional credentials
without applications. Qualification and experience may be relaxed by the Institute at any point of time for otherwise
exceptional candidates.
3. Mere, possessing the prescribed qualification does not ensure that the candidate would be called for Interview. The
Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of merit and need of the project.
4. Shortlisted Candidates will be informed by e-mail about the interview date. So, the candidate must provide valid E-mail IDs in their applications.
5. Shortlisted candidates have to present themselves for the interview on the interview date with updated CV and
original and attested photocopies of mark sheets/ certificates in support of their academic qualifications.
6. Applicants in employment (private, government or any other organization) are required to submit a “No Objection
Certificate” from the employer at the time of interview.
7. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
Last Date to submit applications: 15/10/2013
For more details regarding age limit, qualification, selection process, pay scale, how to apply are available in the following link…
Click here for the Advt and Dwonload Application Form
About the Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT):
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Allahabad (MNNIT) is an Institute with total commitment to quality and excellence in academic pursuits. It was established as one of the seventeen Regional Engineering Colleges of India in the year 1961 as a joint enterprise of Government of India and Government of Uttar Pradesh, and was an associated college of University of Allahabad, which is the third oldest university in India.
For a short duration of two years (2000-2002), the Institute was affiliated to U.P. Technical University. With over 45 years of experience and achievements in the field of technical education, having traversed a long way, on June 26, 2002 MNREC was transformed into National Institute of Technology and Deemed University fully funded by Government of India. With the enactment of National Institutes of Technology Act-2007(29 to 2007), the Institute has been granted the status of institution of national importance w.e.f. 15.08.2007.
The Institute had begun with offering Bachelor Degree Programmes in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. It was the first in the country to start an undergraduate programme in Computer Science & Engineering in 1976-77. Subsequently, in the year 1982-83 undergraduate programmes in Electronics Engineering and Production & Industrial Engineering were started.The first Master’s Programme of the Institute was introduced by the Mechanical Engineering Department in the year 1966. In all other Engineering Departments, Master’s Programmes were introduced in the 1970-71. To add a new dimension to itself the Institute established School of Management studies in 1996, which offers a two year / four semester post graduate degree programme in Management (MBA).