InStem Recruitment 2014 – Apply for Senior Scientist Post :- Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (InStem) Bangalore has published an employment notification for the recruitment of Senior Scientist posts. Eligible and interested candidates may attend the interview on 29th Apr 2014. Further details like age limit, eligibility, educational qualifications, how to apply, selection procedure and application form are given below…
Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (InStem) Vacancy Details:
Job Location: Bangalore, Karnataka
Total No. of Post :-Not Specified
Name of the Post :-Senior Scientist
Educational Qualification :
Candidate should have passed Ph.D in Molecular Biology/Cell Biology/Biochemistry from the recognized University or Institute.
2-4 yrs of experience in assay design, execution and screening Previous experience in using liquid handling stations, implementing high content screens, automated microscopy and managing large data sets are encouraged to apply.
Pay Scale :
Not Specified
Selection Process :
Candidates will be selected based on performance in Written Test and/ or Group Discussion and/ or Personal Interview.
How To Apply:
Interested and eligible candidates may send in the following information by email to Applications received upto 29th April 2014 will be considered in the first lot and thereafter reviewed periodically and screening/ selection taken up as appropriate. inStem reserves the right to fill or not to fill the posts advertised.
Important dates :-
Last Date: Apr 29, 2014
For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply and other information click on the link given below…