Indian Agricultural Research Institute Recruitment 2013 –SRF 01-Post :Recruitment for the position of Senior Research Fellow will be done purely on contractual basis for a period of twelve months in a contract research project as per detail given below.
The journey of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), popularly known as Pusa Institute, began in 1905 at Pusa (Bihar) with the generous grant of 30,000 pounds from an American philanthropist, Mr. Henry Phipps. The institute was then known as Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) which functioned with five departments, namely Agriculture, Cattle Breeding, Chemistry, Economic Botany and Mycology. Bacteriology unit was added in 1907. The name of ARI was changed to Imperial Institute of Agricultural Research in 1911 and, in 1919 it was renamed as Imperial Agricultural Research Institute. Following a devastating earth quake on 15th January 1934, the institute was shifted to Delhi on 29th July 1936. Post independence, the institute has beenrenamed as Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI).
During the fifties, the advancement of scientific disciplines constituted the core program of IARI and provided the base for its fast expansion in the 1960’s and 1970’s. It attained the status of a Deemed University in the year 1958. The green revolution that brought smiles to millions of Indians bloomed from the fields of IARI with the development of famous wheat varieties which contributed an estimated on billion tones of addition production. As the Mother of several ICAR institutions, IARI continues to be the leading institution for agricultural research, education and extension in the country.
The present campus of the Institute is a self-contained sylvan complex spread over an area of about 500 hectares (approx. 1250 acres) and located about 8 km (5 miles) west of New Delhi Railway Station and about 16 km (10 miles) east of IGI Airport (Palam). The location stands at 28.08 0N and 77.12 0E, the height above mean sea level being 228.61 meters (750 feet). It is adjacent to hillside road.
Eligible candidates may send their applications or apply online on or before 30-08-2013.
More details like age limit, qualification, selection process are given below…
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) Recruitment Details:
Name of the Posts:Senior Research Fellow
Eligibility: MSc
Total No. of Post:01- Post
Job Location: Delhi
Hiring Process : Face to Face Interview
Pay Scale(in Rs.):Rs 16,000/- plus HRA
Last Date :30 Aug 2013
Job Detail:
Title of the project: “Evaluation of zinc, boron and sulphur coated urea in rice, wheat and maize
Funding Agency: Matix Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited.
Educational Qualification :M.Sc. in Agriculture preferably in the field of Agronomy/Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry/Plant Physiology from a recognized University. Candidate with hands on experience and working knowledge of field crops, lab analysis of soil and plant samples and use of computer will be preferred.
Age Limit: Interested candidates who are appearing for this post should have the age of 35 years of men and 40 years of women as on the date of interview..
Age relaxation:Age relaxation of 3 year for OBC candidates and 5 years for SC/ST candidates is permissible.
Pay Scale: Selected candidates would be eligible to get the pay scale of around Rs 16,000/- plus HRA.
Selection Process:Face to Face Interview.
Conditions:The above post is purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis for twelve months. The selected candidate shall not claim for regular appointment(s)/absorption either at this Institute or ICAR system. The post is co-terminus with respective project/scheme. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Please bring all attested copies and originals of all
certificates from Matric onwards along with bio-data, reprints of publications, thesis, passport
size attested photos and no objection and experience certificate from the present employer. Only
the candidate having essential qualification and reaching the venue well in time will be entertained for interview. Applicant should submit resume in advance to Dr Y.S. Shivay,Principal Investigator, Division of Agronomy, IARI, New Delhi; E-mail
Date, time and venue of interview: 30 August, 2013, 10:00 AM, Committee Room, Division of Agronomy, IARI, New Delhi 110 012
Important Date :
Last Date for Application Form: 30th Aug 2013
For more details regarding age limit, qualification, selection process, pay scale, how to apply are available in the following link…