IGIB Recruitment 2013-For Project Fellow/ Research Associate Post

igibIGIB Recruitment 2013-For Project Fellow/ Research Associate Post: 

CSIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB) is a premier Institute of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), engaged in research of national importance in the areas of genomics, molecular medicine, bioinformatics, proteomics and environmental biotechnology.

CSIR Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB) is a scientific research institute devoted primarily to integrated biological research. It is a part of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India
The institute started off as the Center for Biochemical Technology in 1977 and the primary focus was biochemical research but since the inception of genomics and bioinformatics approaches, the focus shifted to integrative biology. Today, it stands amongst the premiere research institutes of CSIR.
IGIB was a co-host of the prestigious Human Genome Organization (HUGO) meet HGM-2008 (13th Human Genome Meeting, Sat 27-Tue 30 Sep 2008), held at Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India,where Prof. S.K.Brahmachari, former Director of IGIB and current Director General of CSIR and DSIR co-chaired the meet with Prof. Edison Liu, HUGO president.

IGIB was established in 1977 as the Center for Biochemical Technology.(CBT). The Functional Genomics Unit was established in 1998 with the focus shifting from chemical to genomics research. The institute was rechristened “Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology” in 2002 and encompassed Computational and Bioinformatics approaches in making a deliberate shift towards Integrative Biological Research.

Eligible candidates may send their applications or apply online on or before 02-09-2013.

More details like age limit, qualification, selection process are given below…

Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB) Recruitment Details:

Name of the Posts:Project Fellow/ Research Associate

Eligibility: M Phil / Phd, ME/M.Tech, MSc

Pay Scale/Salary(in Rs.):Rs. 23,000/-

Job Location: Delhi

Hiring Process :Direct Interview

Last Date :02 Sep 2013

Job Detail:

CSIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB), desires to engage qualified incumbents on purely temporary basis as detailed below:

Project Code/Title


of Post(s)

Post Code/


Essential Qualification

Age Limit


(per month)

Initial Tenure

(Project Code � GAP0059)�Functional genomics of misfolding-induced stress response�


Post Code-1

Research Associate

Fresh PhD in any branch of life sciences with expertise in molecular biology and biochemistryDesirable:Expertise in molecular biology and biochemistry and publication in SCI Indexed journals

35 years

Rs. 23,000/-

+ 30 % HRA per month




Post Code-2

Research Associate

PhD in any branch of life scienceswith two years of post doctoral experience in molecular biology and yeast geneticsDesirable:Publication in SCI Indexed journals

35 years

Rs. 23,000/-

+ 30 % HRA per month

12 months

(Project Code � BSC0123)�Genome dynamics in Cellular Organization, Differentiation and Enantiostasis (GENCODE)�


Post Code-3

Project Fellow

First Class M.Sc./M.Tech in bioinformatics/Human Genetics/Genomics

28 years

Rs. 16,000/-

+ 30 % HRA per month



Post Code-4

Sr. Project Fellow

First Class M.Sc./M.Tech in bioinformatics/Human Genetics/GenomicsWith two years of experience in NGS data analysis.

32 years

Rs. 18,000/-

+ 30 % HRA per month



Post Name: Research Associate

Project Name:Functional genomics of misfolding-induced stress response

Educational Qualification: Fresh PhD in any branch of life sciences with expertise in molecular biology and biochemistry.

Desirable Qualification: Expertise in molecular biology and biochemistry and publication in SCI Indexed journals.

Pay Scale/Salary(in Rs.):Selected candidates would be eligible to get the pay scale of around Rs. 23,000/- Plus 30 % HRA per month.

Age Limit: Interested candidates who are appearing for this post should have the age of 35 years.

Age Relaxation: Age relaxation as per Govt. of India instructions.

How To Apply:

It is mandatory for eligible applicants to apply by both the processes as given below:

  1. Sending the resume in �MS Word� format directly to hrd@igib.res.in (Mentioning the Project Code-Post Code in the Subject Line of the email example:GAP0059-1)
  2. They also need to fill up proforma by clicking on the following link HR Online Form.
    1. Candidate cannot apply for more than two posts.

Important Date :

Last date of receiving application is 02-09-2013.

For more details regarding age limit, qualification, selection process, pay scale, how to apply are available in the following link…

Click here for the Advt

Click here for Official Website

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