
ગુજરાતી રોજગાર સમાચાર,Latest Govt Jobs provide rojgar samachar in Gujarati. Govt jobs in Gujarat -2014. Govt recruitment or vacancies in Gujarat

GSECL Recruitment 2014 – 50 Vidyut Sahayak Post

Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited (GSECL) has published an employment notification for the recruitment of 50 Vidyut Sahayak posts. These vacancies are only for the indian citizenship. Eligible and interested candidates may attend the interview or submission of application last date on 30 March

MGNREGA Gujarat Issues job Notification for 5797 Posts

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) has published an employment notification for the recruitment of 5797 various posts. These vacancies are only for the indian citizenship. Eligible and interested candidates may attend the interview or submission of application last date on 21 September 2014.

WASMO Recruitment 2014 – 28 Assistant Manager Vacancies

Water and Sanitation Management Organization (WASMO) has published an employment notification for the recruitment of 28 Assistant Manager Vacancies 2014. These vacancies are only for the indian citizenship.Eligible and interested candidates may attend the interview or submission of application last date on 20th September 2014.


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