BEL Recruitment 2013:For Sr. Medical Officer Post

belBEL Recruitment 2013:For Sr. Medical Officer Post :Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) invites applications for citizens of India for filling up the  Sr. Medical Officer such other candidates declared eligibility by the Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Government of India to fill up the following  various posts.

Bharat Electronics Limited, a Navaratna Company & India’s leading Professional Electronics Company has the following requirement for its Hospital at the Bengaluru Unit on a permanent basis:

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)Recruitment Details:

Organization Name: Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)
Job Position : Sr. Medical Officer
Pay Scale: Rs.20600-46500/-
Eligibility: MS, MBBS
Job Location :Bangalore
Last Date : 28-10-2013
Hiring Process : Walk-In

Job Detail:

Name of the Post:Sr. Medical Officer

No of Post:01 Post

SI.No Post Name                     Qualification  No.of Post 
1 Senior Medical
MBBS with MS (Ortho) OR MBBS with Diploma (Ortho)  with minimum 2 years of post qualification experience in Orthopaedics in reputed hospitals. 1 OBC

Qualifications : MBBS with MS (Ortho) OR MBBS with Diploma (Ortho)  with minimum 2 years of post qualification experience in Orthopaedics in reputed hospitals.

Age limit as on 01.10.2013:35 years (including applicable relaxation)

Pay Scale : Rs.20600-3%-46500 (E-III )

Application Fee & Mode of Payment : Candidates belonging to General and
OBC category are required to remit an amount of Rs. 500/- towards application fee. The bank challan may be downloaded from the website. The challan (in triplicate) is to be filled by the applicant and submitted to the nearest SBI Branch, along with an application fee of Rs. 500/-plus bank charges of Rs. 25/- .The candidate is required to enter the details of the challan and the ‘Journal Number’ in the application form.

Desirable :  1. CSIR/UGC/DBT JRF fellowship 2. Prior research or training experience in food/postharvest biotechnology 3. Skills and knowledge of chromatography and mass spectrometry  .

Age Limit : 30 Yrs

How To Apply:  All interested candidates may appear for a walk-in-interview at NABI Interim Facility located at C-127, Industrial Area, Phase VIII, Ajitgarh (Mohali), Punjab, on 07.10.2013 at 10.00 am along with duly filled application form available on the website Further, interested candidates should also send the softcopy of the application form to on or before 04.10.2013. The duly filled application form must be submitted at the time of registration at NABI-reception desk from 0900 Hrs to 1000 Hrs on 07.10.2013.


Last Date of interview: 28/10/2013

For more details regarding age limit, qualification, selection process, pay scale, how to apply are available in the following link…

Click here for the Advt

Click here for the challan Form

Click here for the Application Form


About the Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL):

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) was established at Bangalore, India, by the Government of India under the Ministry of Defence in 1954 to meet the specialised electronic needs of the Indian defence services. Over the years, it has grown into a multi-product, multi-technology, multi-unit company servicing the needs of customers in diverse fields in India and abroad.

BEL is among an elite group of public sector undertakings which have been conferred the Navratna status by the Government of India.

The growth and diversification of BEL over the years mirrors the advances in the electronics technology, with which BEL has kept pace. Starting with the manufacture of a few communication equipment in 1956, BEL went on to produce Receiving Valves in 1961, Germanium Semiconductors in 1962 and Radio Transmitters for AIR in 1964.

In 1966, BEL set up a Radar manufacturing facility for the Army and in-house R&D, which has been nurtured over the years. Manufacture of Transmitting Tubes, Silicon Devices and Integrated Circuits started in 1967. The PCB manufacturing facility was established in 1968.

In 1970, manufacture of Black & White TV Picture Tube, X-ray Tube and Microwave Tubes started. The following year, facilities for manufacture of Integrated Circuits and Hybrid Micro Circuits were set up. 1972 saw BEL manufacturing TV Transmitters for Doordarshan. The following year, manufacture of Frigate Radars for the Navy began.

Under the government’s policy of decentralization and due to strategic reasons, BEL ventured to set up new Units at various places. The second Unit of BEL was set up at Ghaziabad in 1974 to manufacture Radars and Tropo communication equipment for the Indian Air Force. The third Unit was established at Pune in 1979 to manufacture Image Converter and Image Intensifier Tubes.

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